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Hathor encourages you to embrace the divine flow of receptivity. Her message is one of balance, urging you to nurture your giving energy while allowing yourself to gracefully receive. By acknowledging and appreciating the gifts that surround you, you open the channels for intuitive wisdom, heightened energy, and a deeper capacity to give to others.

Feminine Energy

Hathor embodies the quintessence of feminine energy, and her essence is a celebration of the divine feminine in all its facets. Her feminine energy is characterized by a profound receptivity, gentleness, intuition, and a nurturing disposition.

Her Mantra

"I allow myself to receive. Through this openness, my intuition blossoms, my energy amplifies, and my capacity to give to others expands effortlessly."

This mantra serves as a reminder that receptivity is not only a gift to yourself but a harmonious exchange that magnifies the flow of abundance and love in your life.

Her Story

Hathor, an ancient Egyptian goddess, is often depicted as a cow goddess representing motherhood, fertility, and love. Her name means "House of Horus," emphasizing her nurturing and protective qualities. Hathor is associated with music, dance, sensuality and joy, and she was revered as the embodiment of feminine energy.

Known For

Hathor, revered as the Goddess of Love and Joy, stands as a divine beacon in the pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities. She is the unwavering protector of mothers and children, embodying the nurturing essence of motherhood with unparalleled grace. As a patroness of music and dance, Hathor's influence extends into the realm of creativity and artistic expression, encouraging the harmonious flow of rhythm and melody. Her benevolent presence is particularly associated with themes of fertility, symbolizing the fruitful abundance that life can offer. Hathor is a luminous figure, known for her boundless love, which she showers upon those who seek her guidance. Furthermore, her spirited nature emphasizes the importance of joy and celebration, promoting a life filled with laughter, dance, and the warmth of shared moments. In the tapestry of ancient Egyptian mythology, Hathor's multifaceted role reflects the interconnectedness of love, fertility, music, and celebration, making her a revered and cherished deity.


Hathor personifies qualities that resonate with nurturing tenderness, maternal care, open receptivity, infectious joy, and boundless creativity. As a goddess, she embraces her nurturing nature by fostering growth and well-being, radiating maternal warmth to all under her celestial gaze.

Her Shadow Side

Hathor, in all her radiant grace, carries a shadow side that manifests in an over-reliance on giving without embracing the reciprocal act of receiving. This shadow emerges when individuals, guided by Hathor's nurturing energy, find themselves hesitant to accept help or gifts. The fear of burdening others or the discomfort associated with acknowledging personal needs becomes a hindrance, obstructing the natural flow of exchange. This imbalance can lead to a depletion of one's own resources, both energetically and emotionally, as the incessant outpouring of support is not met with the replenishment that comes from open receptivity.

Hathor urges those under her influence to explore the delicate dance between giving and receiving, recognizing that true harmony arises from the balanced exchange of energies.

Chakra Associated

The Heart Chakra, Anahata, resonates as the sacred center aligned with Hathor's nurturing energy. As the ethereal bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, it radiates a verdant hue symbolizing love, compassion, and equilibrium. Like the gentle embrace of Hathor, the Heart Chakra governs our capacity to give and receive unconditionally, fostering a harmonious flow of energies. An open Anahata Chakra serves as the conduit for profound connections, self-compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the balance between the giving and receiving aspects of life. Hathor's essence harmoniously intertwines with the heart's expansive energy, inviting a profound journey into love and interconnectedness.

Body Part

Hathor's energy is intimately linked to the heart and breasts, symbolizing the tender compassion and nurturing love she embodies. The heart, as the seat of emotions, resonates with the goddess's essence, while the breasts represent the maternal aspect of her influence, reflecting the sustenance and care provided to those under her protective gaze. Through these body parts, Hathor imparts a profound connection to both emotional well-being and the nurturing bonds of motherhood.


Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink hues, aligns with Hathor's nurturing energy, promoting love and emotional healing.

Emerald, a symbol of fertility and abundance, resonates with Hathor's association with fertility and growth.

Jade, known for its calming properties, complements Hathor's joyful and celebratory nature, fostering inner peace and harmony.

Oils & Blends

Blends of Rose, Jasmine, and Ylang-Ylang oils create a sensory symphony that resonates with Hathor's feminine energy. Rose, a symbol of love, intertwines with Jasmine's floral allure to evoke a sense of grace and compassion. Ylang-Ylang's sweet fragrance adds a touch of sensuality, harmonizing with Hathor's joyful and nurturing presence.


Roses, with their timeless beauty, symbolize love and passion, echoing the essence of Hathor's nurturing love. The Lotus, sacred in many traditions, represents purity and spiritual enlightenment, aligning with Hathor's divine nature. Hibiscus, vibrant and joyful, mirrors Hathor's celebration of life and the joyous moments found in the unfolding petals of existence.

Totem Animal

The cow, a revered totem animal of Hathor, embodies maternal nurturing and abundance in ancient symbolism. Hathor's connection to the cow signifies the goddess's protective and gentle nature, mirroring the tender care provided by the earthly bovine. As a totem, the cow encourages embracing the cycles of life, emphasizing fertility, sustenance, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Zodiacal Sign

Taurus, the zodiac sign associated with Hathor, epitomizes stability, sensuality, and an unwavering connection to the Earth. Reflecting the goddess's nurturing qualities, Taurus individuals embody patience, loyalty, and a deep appreciation for the beauty found in nature. Governed by Venus, Taurus aligns seamlessly with Hathor's love-driven and pleasure-seeking energies, emphasizing a harmonious connection to the material world.

Moon Phase

The Full Moon, aligning with Hathor's illuminating energy, represents a peak of abundance, intuition, and heightened emotions. Under the Full Moon's glow, Hathor's nurturing influence amplifies, encouraging a profound connection to the cycles of life. It's a potent time to celebrate, release, and embrace the divine feminine energy that Hathor embodies.

When to Call Her

Call upon Hathor when the delicate dance between giving and receiving feels unsteady, seeking her guidance to restore balance in the energetic exchange of your life. In moments of celebration, whether personal achievements or shared joys, invoke Hathor to amplify the spirit of festivity and communal bonds. When the need for self-nurturing arises or when extending nurturing care to others, Hathor's presence can be invoked to infuse these acts with her gentle and loving energy.

Call her while navigating the complexities of reciprocity, reveling in joyous occasions, or tending to the well-being of yourself and others.

Yoga Poses or Somatic Practices

Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior Pose activates a sense of grounded strength, focus, and determination. It engages various muscle groups, particularly the legs, core, and arms, promoting stability and balance. As you sink into the pose, you cultivate a warrior-like mindset, embodying the energy of bravery and unwavering resolve.

Energetic Activation:

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): The grounding nature of the Warrior Pose stimulates the root chakra, fostering feelings of stability, security, and connection to the earth.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The pose's expansive chest and strong posture activate the solar plexus chakra, boosting confidence and personal power.

Archer's Pose (Akarna Dhanurasana)

Archer's Pose symbolizes intention, focus, and the readiness to release with precision. The posture involves drawing an imaginary bowstring with one arm and aiming forward with the other. This pose activates the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and core, while also inviting mental clarity and goal-setting.

Energetic Activation:

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The pose's emphasis on drawing back the bowstring and aiming activates the solar plexus chakra, amplifying determination and inner fire.

  • Heart Chakra (Anahata): The expansive chest and heart-opening aspect of the pose invite the activation of the heart chakra, fostering compassion and balanced emotions.


To honor Hathor, create a sacred sanctuary adorned with vibrant flowers, illuminating the space with the gentle flicker of rose-scented candles, and let the ambiance be serenaded by soft, rhythmic melodies.

Immerse yourself in acts of self-love, indulging in a luxurious bath to cleanse both body and spirit, or partake in a nurturing massage that echoes Hathor's tender care, allowing her divine energy to flow through these rituals and enhance your connection with her essence.

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